Oyler children
...He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil 1:6
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Sunday 1/31 Shamian Island
Saturday 1/30 Medical Exam and Apply for Visa
We enjoyed chatting with several other adoptive families this morning. With all American adoptive families spending their final week in Guangzhou, we get to interact with several throughout our time here. It is amazing how the common tie of adoption causes a bond to form with families who we have never met before. This is the third adoption for one of the families in our group and fourth adoption with the other family. Two more other families will be joining us tomorrow.
Kian made quick friends!! The boy on the right is the son of our guide. The one on the left is the newly adopted son of another family in our group.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Friday 1/29 Last Day in Nanning
Tia has been much happier today! Lots more smiles and chatter from her. Warms my heart!
We packed and left to catch our flight to Guangzhou around 5pm. Tia did well on the plane.
...As long as she has her Baba close by, life is pretty good!!
Kian was very excited to get to "his China"! We are staying in the same hotel here in Guangzhou as we did for the full two weeks we were here to adopt him... lots of memories! We also have the same guide. She was amazed at how grown up Kian seemed in a little over a year! It was fun seeing her again. She said that one of the best parts of her job is seeing families return!
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Thursday 1/28 A Lesson in Chinese Culture
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Wednesday 1/27 Birthday Celebration....Tia is T.H.R.E.E.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Tuesday 1/26 Finalize Adoption
Monday, January 25, 2016
Monday 1/25 Gotcha Day
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Kian's Reactions
A question several of you had before we left for China was how Kian would react to returning after being home a year. So while we are anxiously waiting these final couple hours before meeting Tia, I will share a little of his reactions.
While we were waiting in Newark to board our flight to Beijing, we were mostly surrounded by Asian people. Kian commented how everyone was speaking Chinese. I ask him if he could understand any of it. He said he could not. It was interesting that he recognized the language but could not understand any of it.
When we finally got to Nanning and were leaving the airport, he made the comment that this was not his China. I told him that we were at Tia's China and we would go to his China the second week! I am not sure what he was sensing as different than the area he was from.
Yesterday while we were out he exclaimed about all the big buildings! Yes, it is all city here but he was used to city when he lived in Dongguan. I guess a year in Carroll County surrounded by corn and bean fields has its effects! I am sure not a city girl!!
Most of all, he is loving the food!!!! He is not a picky eater and likes what we feed him at home, but he is REALLY enjoying the authentic food here!! Eventually we have to tell him he has had enough!!
Kian is taking it all in and asking tons of questions. So far he seems to not be bothered by anything. He is enjoying having his mama and babe to himself but that is soon to come to an end! He misses his big brothers and sisters but is not sad about it. Just talks about them often. Now we excitedly await his reaction to his new little sister!!